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ASC 715-60 and GASB 45 Plans & Services

ASC 715-60 and GASB 45

What is your liability for your post-retirement medical plan? Let McCready and Keene assist you with the ASC 715-60 or GASB 45 calculations required to determine your Net Periodic Post-retirement benefit costs and your accumulated and projected benefit obligations.

ASC 715-60 and GASB 45 Services

To learn more about the services we offer associated with Post-retirement Medical Plans, click on a link below:

McCready and Keene's actuarial staff can assist you before, during and after the determination of disclosures of liabilities for your post retirement benefit plans. During formulation of recommendations, your primary actuary will work closely with you to be able to understand and program the assumptions, trend, and the detail behind your post-retirement benefit offerings. Utilizing knowledge and experience, your actuary will offer recommendations that address your key concerns, as well as issues you may not have considered.

After you make a decision about your post-retirement medical plan, your team will be available to make sure you get the reports you need, when you need them, as well as make you aware of new opportunities as they come up.

McCready and Keene can handle every aspect of your ASC 715-60 or GASB 45 project, from initial set-up through preparation of annual reports in succeeding years. By integrating the unique expertise of health actuaries with our pension actuarial knowledge, McCready and Keene is able to cost-effectively provide clients with the two different, yet complimentary areas of expertise required for accurate and timely completion of ASC 715-60 or GASB 45 reports.
Our clients find that our ability to work seamlessly with their other advisors, including their CPAs, attorneys and financial advisors, means they save time and money.